Craft a title that grabs attention and makes people want to learn more. Your title should ideally be less than 10 words, capitalized correctly, and explain the problem your idea solves.
Based on the research and information you provide, plus supplemental research we do, we will construct a comprehensive business plan for your idea.
Set a fair price that reflects the value your idea offers and what users are willing to pay. Think about the total addressable market, along with the research you provided with the idea.
Choose tags that accurately describe your idea and help people discover it. Think about the keywords potential users would search for.
Think about the key differences between a concept (the initial idea) and a prototype (a working model demonstrating functionality). Although picking an investment level is relative, you can use the basic figures: Less than $1,000=Low; $1000 to $10,000=Medium; Greater than $10,000=High